
Showing posts from June, 2019

Foods that boost metabolism rate

Foods that boost metabolism rate What is metabolism? Metabolism is the process in the body that needs to maintain life. There are certain foods that are full of nutrition that can help you increase the body's metabolism. An increase in metabolism can reduce the risk of obesity. Foods to Increase Metabolism: Ginger: Eating ginger gives warmness in your body and that warmness can help to increase metabolism rate. It increases good cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein. Ginger reduces nausea after chemotherapy and during pregnancy and also gives properties of anti-inflammatory. Eggs: Eggs are rich in protein and protein-rich foods help you increase your metabolism. They have 6.29 grams of proteins. Metabolism in your body gives you the energy to digest food more than fats and carbohydrates have given you. Chili Peppers: Peppers contain a compound called capsaicin and it makes you feel full and increases your metabolism rate. Chili peppers compound capsaicin also reduce...

Vegetables for people with blood pressure

Which Vegetables are good for people with blood pressure? High blood pressure is also called hypertension. It can also cause heart disease, strokes, and kidney stones sometimes. Some people are on medication because of high blood pressure problems and a little change in your diet can reduce your blood pressure. Vegetables are good for people with blood pressure. Here are some vegetables that are extremely good for people with blood pressure: Beetroots : Beetroots are good for health and drinking its juice can help you lower your high blood pressure. They have a high amount of nitrates in them and this is the reason for the reduction of blood pressure. You can drink beetroot juice, you can add them into the salads, and even add them into the side veggies dish. Cabbage : Cabbage has potassium in it, potassium is an electrolyte that your body needs every time to function properly, and it helps regulate your high blood pressure. Garlic : Garlic often increases nitric oxide,...

What Happens When You Eat Too Much Sugar?

Eating candies, ice-creams, baked goods, sweetened dairy, and drinking sugary drinks are everyone's favorite, especially favorites of children but they contain added sugar and it can cause you many illnesses or tooth decay. In many ways, sugar can negatively impact on your health, no matter what, sugar is sugar and it can seriously mess with your health. Sugar can become your addiction like a drug because a study found that people who are eating sugary foods like candy bar will always crave for more and the craving will never end soon. See, what happens if you eat too much sugar? Here's a depressing analysis. Too Much Sugar Can Cause Cavity: You should always trust your mother on this one: chocolates, candy bar, and so on can rot your teeth, they all are an enemy to your dental health. Cavities caused by bacteria and that bacteria love to eat sugar which is left in your mouth after you eat sweets. Too Much Sugar Affect Your Brain: Sugar affects the brain too much a...

Benefits of Citrus Fruits

Benefits of Citrus Fruits Colorful, sweet citrus fruits bring in winter days a burst of sunshine. But not only are citrus fruits sweet and pretty-they are good for you as well. They have a bunch of health benefits , from immunity boosting to cancer-fighting. This fruit class includes Orange, Sweet Lime, Lemon , Tangerine, Mandarin Orange, Grapefruit, Tangelo, Pomelo, and Ugly Fruit. One of the largest fruit crops in the world are citrus fruits. Many different citrus fruits have similar nutrition. They have folate, vitamin C, calcium, fiber, potassium, and vitamin A. They also contain flavonoids. Citrus fruits have one advantage that they can contain several antioxidants at one time, which can prevent you from many health problems. They generally grow on shrubs & trees. Citrus fruits have a leathery rind. There are many benefits of citrus fruits. Here are some Benefits of Citrus Fruits: Reduce The Risk Of Kidney Stone: Citrus fruits contain a high amount of citrate in them...

Foods That help gain weight

Foods That help gain weight Almost all people talk about how to lose weight, of course, people who are overweight need to talk about how they can lose weight. However, what about thin people? Isn't it obvious that they will want to gain weight? And the answer is yes, they want to gain weight. So, let's talk about how to gain weight with proper intake of food. Excessive thinness in people can lead them to any illness or diseases. Always eat high-calorie food instead of eating rich fatty foods or masses of sweet because calories build muscles and provide energy even without unhealthy fats. A person with underweight can experience developmental delays, infertility, osteoporosis, malnutrition, complications during any surgery, and a weak immune system. Best Foods To Gain Weight: Rice: Rice is perfect for people who want to gain weight as it contains a high amount of carbohydrate and 200 calories in it, which makes you feel full. It is very easy to consume and digest. ...

Foods that are high in fiber

Foods that are high in fiber Fiber is something that makes you feel full. A portion of food full of fiber is healthy for your body. Fiber does a lot for your body as it keeps your heart healthy, maintain your diabetes, improve your skin, and helps lose your weight. There are two types of fiber in a scenario, first is soluble fiber and second is insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber easily dissolves in water and insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. There are foods that are high in fiber. The health benefits of fiber are: Fiber keeps your digestive system safe Maintains your diabetes Lowers the risk of cancers Improves your health of skin and helps to make it glow Take better care of your heart health and protects you against heart attacks, heart diseases, and strokes. Fiber helps to lose weight. Here Are Some Foods That Are High In Fiber: Apples : A pples are the healthiest and the tastiest fruit among all. They are high in fiber and they contain 4.4 grams i...

Health benefits of onions

Health benefits of onions You can only remember onions as their bad smell in mouth and the tears they give us while chopping them. Do you know? Onions have many health benefits. North Indians use onions with their day and night meals, they are almost used in every dish to cook, and they are used too much in India. Onions are rich in nutrition. 1.7 grams of fiber 89% of water 1.1 grams of protein 9.3 grams of carbohydrates 4.2 grams of sugar 0.01gram of omega Potassium Vitamin B6 Vitamin B9 Folate Vitamin C Benefits of Onions : Prevent From Cancer: Onions have phytonutrients such as Quercetin and quercetin fights against the free radicals that cause the abnormal cells in the body, which causes cancer. Make Your Immune Stronger: As mentioned above that onion contain phytonutrients and that nutrient help the antioxidants to effect fully. They also contain vitamin C, which helps fight against diseases and protect us. Onions build your immunity stronger and stron...


BENEFITS OF AVOCADOS Avocados are the internet's favorite fruit. They should be because they are loaded with nutrients, they are healthy , and they are tasty too. You may hear avocado toast. It tastes very good. They contain 15-20 vitamins and minerals including lutein (good for eyes), folate, and potassium (control blood pressure). Avocados have vitamin B, vitamin C, and vitamin E, which help you fight certain diseases and protect against cancer. They are high in fiber and contain low sugar. Health Benefits of Avocados: Avocados Are Good For Heart: They are high in fats and have 77% of the calories in them but the fat, which they contain, is oleic acid i.e. a monounsaturated fatty acid, which is believed to be responsible for the healthy heart. Avocados Are Good For Pregnancy: Avocados contain folate and folate is very healthy for the woman who is pregnant because if your pregnancy is healthy, then a baby is going to be healthy too. Sufficient intake of avocados ca...

The Nutrients That Teenagers Need

Teenagers always throw tantrums to eat healthy foods and eat junk foods with love. Their eating habits change according to their surroundings and according to their family eating habits. Every parent wants their teens to eat food that is rich in nutrients and doesn't want them to eat junkies. However, teens are teens, they will eat exactly the opposite what their parents asked them to eat. The Nutrients That Teenagers Need: Calcium: Calcium is the most important chemical element in humans. And your teens should consume about 1,200 mg of calcium from their food per day. Your teens can face osteoporosis and weak bones in their later stages of life if they have a deficiency of calcium in them. Calcium-rich foods include leafy greens, dairy products , cereals, etc. You should give these foods to your teens every day. Calories: If your teens are not active whether they are boys or girls, they required 2000 calories for boys and 1600 calories for girls every day. And if your...

Health Benefits of Berries

Health Benefits Of Berries Berries are healthy and tasty fruit one can ever eat. You can make juices with berries, you can put berries in a salad, cake, or any desserts and you can even use them as toppings on pancakes. You can even eat them plain because you don't have to cook it before eating. Berries are loaded with nutrients such as one cup of berries contains 85 calories, 0.5 g fat, 0 mg cholesterol, sodium 1.5 mg, 114 mg potassium, carbohydrate 21 g, dietary fiber 3.6 gm, sugar 15 g, 1.1 g protein, and vitamin A, C, B6, iron 2%, and magnesium 2%. There are many types of berries such as: Blueberries Raspberries Wolfberries (Goji) Strawberries Bilberries Acai berries Cranberries Grapes . Benefits of Berries: Manage Your Diabetes: Berries manages and prevents you from diabetes as they contain dietary fiber, which helps you manage your diabetes. Berries have sugar but they are not containing that type of sugar that will send people directly ...

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

Mostly you get vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sunlight and it is a fat-soluble vitamin. You can find vitamin D in milk also but in a small amount. It supports calcium metabolism, it helps your body to absorb maximum calcium from your food to maintain the bones. Vitamin D supports your muscle health, boosts your immune system, aids your cell growth, and prevents blood pressure and cardiovascular health. Reasons for vitamin D deficiency: Lives at a high-altitude: If you are living at a high-altitude place then due to you are being less access to sunlight (UV Rays) can cause vitamin D deficiency.   Spending time indoors: Some people are living indoor only or they spend little time outside, so, they are not exposing to sunlight very well and it can cause vitamin D deficiency. Highly polluted area: You all know that pollution is affecting our nature too much and the people who are living in a highly polluted area can be the victim of vitamin D deficiency. ...

Foods to stay healthy and fit as you get older.

Eating healthy is not an option, it is a choice. And as you age day by day, you need to be healthy more and you need to eat healthy more. You can stay healthy at any age because you can never stop aging and as your body starts aging, it changes not in just looks but also how it works. In your old age, you will take more time to digest food, you may not feel thirsty as much as you felt in your young and mid-age, you will face a hard time chewing your foods properly or you don't even feel like eating food. That's all normal as you start aging but you need to take care of yourself better than before. There are some Foods to stay healthy and fit as you get older. Foods To Stay Healthy In Your Old Age: Fiber: Older people face hard times to digest their food, so, eating fruits , legumes, vegetables , and whole grains can help them digest food properly, as fiber plays an important role for the digestive system. It protects your heart by preventing constipation, inflammati...

Which nutrients do you get from organic food?

Eating healthy never goes out of style. You will always get nutrients from organic food because it is healthy than any food. There is one more reason why organic food has so many nutrients because they are grown in a soil where no pesticides, no chemicals, or no food additives are being used. It has so many nutrients in it, you will know this today. Organic Foods Have 4 Types Of Vitamins: Vitamins are essential for your body. Your body needs it every time but in a limited amount. Vitamin A: It is important in many things in a body. It was recommended that women need 700 mcg, men need 900 mcg, and children and adults need 300-600 mcg vitamin A per day. Vitamin A protects eyes from night blindness, it helps lower the risk of cancers, it boosts the immune system, it prevents acne and bone problems. It can be found in Broccoli , Carrots , Spinach , Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes , & Pumpkin . Vitamin B1: It helps prevent the complication of the brain, heart, & stomach. Vitami...

Benefits of Fruits for Kids.

Benefits of Fruits for Kids Kids are fussy with the fruits, they always mess with it. They always try to avoid eating fruits because kids are always attracted to the food which is not good for their health. You know what? You don't have to worry about this because it is normal for every child. Fruits have many nutrients in them and it is really proven healthy for children. Fruits are low in calories and fats, and it is indeed an important diet for your kids. Primary-age children need 1 to 1 1/2 cup of fruits each day and teenagers need 1 1/2 to 2 cups of fruits each day. They help prevent your kids from illness and disease. However, the question is, how you are going to make your kids eat fruits without their fussiness? Don't worry, I have two tips. Always Give Your Kids Healthy Examples When your kids are small and begin to eat food, then their solid food is fruits and vegetables . But you will start noticing that your children are being picky with their food and ...

Why Do People Prefer Organic Food Over Non-organic Food?

People prefer Organic food over Non-organic food because it doesn’t contain any chemicals during its farming and after the farming also. Organic food is safe to eat but non-organic food is not as it contains chemical pesticides which lead to many diseases. Non-organic food is unhealthy because it uses pesticides that are not good for our health, it uses pesticides to remove weeds on the plants, to generate crops, vegetables, or fruits before its time, and to get rid of insects who eat plants. There Are Some Reasons Telling Why Do People Prefer Organic Food Over Non-organic. Organic Food Is Healthy: Organic food is rich in minerals and vitamins. These are the terms which are mostly required in one’s body. Minerals and vitamins keep our health safe and give us the energy to be healthy. It also contains proteins and carbohydrates that nourish your body including your hair, skin and give strength to your muscles. Organic Food Doesn’t Add Dreadful Additives: Non-organic follo...

Foods that contain high calcium

Foods that contain high calcium Calcium is one of the most important elements for living organisms. It is vital for good health. Calcium makes your bones healthy and also build healthy communication between the parts of your body and the brain. You can found calcium in many foods and sometimes some foods are rich in calcium. It is a necessity for bone health and calcium also provide you disadvantage such as gas and bloating. Between the age of 1-3 years old should consume 700 milligrams calcium per day, the age of between 4-8 years should consume 1,000 mg calcium per day, between 9-18 years should consume 1,300 mg of calcium per day, between 19-50 years old should consume 1,000 mg of calcium per day, pregnant or breastfeeding adult or teenager should also consume 1,000 mg of calcium per day, between 51-70 years old men should consume 1,000 mg of calcium and women with that age should consume 1,200 mg of calcium per day, and the people with 71+ age should consume 1,200 mg of ...

Why Do We Eat Fruits Or Veggies

Why Do We Eat Fruits Or Veggies ? Why do we need to eat Fruits and Veggies every day?  It is because they are healthy and nutritious and they protect you from many diseases. Everyone should eat fruits and vegetables in their daily diet, at least for one time but they need to eat them. Fruits and vegetables provide all types of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients for your body that help you living a healthy life. You might not love some of the fruits or vegetables, but trust me they all are an equally important source of nutrition for your body. Today or tomorrow, you will learn to love them as well. Here, What Happens When You Don’t Eat Fruits Or Veggies: You Could Suffer Digestive Problems: Fruits and vegetables contain indigestible carbohydrate which is called as fiber and fiber helps you improve your intestinal health. Fiber speeds up the bulk waste to get out of your system and helps you avoid constipation. So, if you don’t eat fruits and vegetables then it causes yo...

Health benefits of Beetroots and Carrots

Health benefits of Beetroots and Carrots . Beetroots are healthylicious food. They are a root vegetable and they can be used in many dishes and you can even drink beetroot juice because it is very healthy. Carrots are also healthy food and you can carrots in many ways like you can eat them raw, you can drink their juice, and you can even cook them with many dishes. There are lots of benefits of carrots and beetroots. Benefits of Beetroots: Packed With Nutrients: Beetroots are high in vitamins, minerals, & fibers and low in calories. They contain 2 grams fiber, 44 calories, 0.2 grams fats, 1.7 grams protein, 20% folate, 6% magnesium, 9% potassium, 16% manganese, 4% iron & phosphorus, 6% vitamin C, and 3% vitamin B6. Improves Blood Pressure: Beetroots are high in nitrates, which helps you improve your blood pressure. High blood pressure can sometimes lead to heart problems such as heart attack, heart disease, and strokes. Prevents from Anemia: Iron is the main re...

Tips that help you stay healthy

Take Small Steps that Lead to A Healthier You Eating healthy food is not enough, you need to do lots of things to stay healthy. Change is very important and you need to do the slightest change in your diets and your exercise. There are some tips that help you stay healthy 1. Always Think Positive: Whether you are feeling nice or not, you have to think positive in every situation because this leads you to your healthy living. Never let negative thoughts come in your mind when you are too weak to handle things and your health because it often causes trouble for your health. 2. Eat Vegetables: Vegetables are healthy and consuming these would be too healthy for you. Leafy greens and green vegetables are nutritious and it helps you in many ways. Vegetables reduce the risk of developing cancers. The most nutritious vegetables are broccoli, cabbage, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, and all the leafy veggies. 3. Take Morning Walk Or Evening Walk: Taking a morning walk is extremely ...

How healthy food affects your mood?

How healthy food affects your mood? When you eat healthy, you stay healthy. Whether it be physical or mental health you are talking about.  How healthy food affects your mood, its when you eliminate processed food from your lifestyle, it gives you a better mood and when you eliminate sugary food from your daily diet, it provides you better sleep. You should eat your regular meals with your snacks at the same time, it helps keep your blood sugar levels stable. And if you feel like your blood sugar is dipping, then this could be a sign of hypoglycemia. It is a condition that causes people to need to eat often. You should avoid skipping your meals every day, it might be tempting to skip your breakfast because you are in rush for somewhere like office, college, or school but it is not good for your health and it is an extremely bad idea. If you keep doing this then it will make your body less able to take in food and you will be overeating your next meal. And it leads to a bad ...

Health Benefits Of Watermelon

Health Benefits Of Watermelon Watermelon has become synonyms of picnics, summers, and yes for a good reason of health. It is healthalicious. Watermelon contains 92% of the water in it and it is a nutrient-dense fruit. It is rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Watermelon has many health benefits and it has 46 calories per cube, it is usually low in calories. Here Are Some Amazing Benefits Of Watermelon : Prevents Asthma: Watermelon contains vitamin C in high amounts, and vitamin C helps lower the risk of asthma in people. Therefore, people who consume watermelons daily are less likely to have an asthma problem. Vitamin C in watermelon prevents you from asthma. Soften Your Skin: Vitamin A in watermelon works as antioxidants for the skin. It has vitamin C that builds and maintains collagen that provides structure to your skin. Watermelon is 92% water and therefore, it keeps your skin hydrate moisturize. Controls Blood Pressure: Watermelon is too beneficial for t...

Healthy Habits For The Family

Habits of the person tell more of their personality. And children always learn from their family members like from their parents, from their elder siblings, and sometimes from their grandparents also. Healthy habits are good for one's family. If you want to teach your children healthy habits, then first you need to learn about healthy habit and you need to apply in front of your children. Here Are Some Tips Of Healthy Habits For Your Family: Always Plan A Dinner With A Family: Your every day must be very busy and your children's too but as a parent, you should always give some time for your kids and you should plan a family dinner every night. Like, I meant that, you should eat dinner with the whole family every night because when you are eating your kids, then they will learn many things from you, they will learn what should eat as a healthy diet, and your family time is also important because it maintains a healthy relationship with your children. And it is suggested ...

Which foods are good for heart?

Eating foods is really essential for your body or else how would you survive? However, some foods are extremely important for your heart health because those foods will always help you prevent some heart disease, heart strokes, or other heart problems. Foods are essential but you should eat only healthy food. Foods for heart health: Avocados: Avocados have monounsaturated fats in them which reduce the risk of heart diseases, and lower the level cholesterol in your body. Potassium is essential for heart health and Avocados are rich in potassium. Apples : It may lower the bad cholesterol as they contain soluble fiber and polyphenols which have an effect of antioxidants and they may help lower your blood pressure level. Apples also reduce the risk of strokes. That's why it was said, "Apple a day, keeps the doctor away". Leafy Green Vegetables : Green vegetables are healthy in every way and if they are leafy greens, then it's a cherry on a pie. They are goo...

Foods that Help You Boost Your Memory

As you know every food has the motto to improve your health in a way or two. There are some Foods that Help You Boost Your Memory and keep you focused. Brain food matters a lot because your gut will always help you keep your body's inflammation under control and immune responses. And your gut hormones that enter the brain influence cognitive ability like processing new information and understanding. Additionally, foods that are good for brains are rich in antioxidants that protect against brain disease and also provide energy. Some Best Foods That Will Boost Your Memory: Blueberries: Blueberries have high levels of Gallic acid that especially good at protecting brains from stress and degeneration. They are incredibly rich in antioxidants fruit and they also contain fiber and vitamin C & K. Avocados: Avocados are the healthiest fruit in many ways. They contain folate and vitamin K that help you prevent a blood clots in your brain. and also improve your memory as wel...

Healthy Snacks for Kids

Which is the Healthy Snacks for Kids Snacks are a favorite food of kids and as their growing age, they often get hungry between their meals. It is obvious that your kids will want to eat snacks every now and then. So, you need to take care of their eating habits and always provide Kids healthy snacks. Here are some healthy snacks for your kids: Popcorn: Popcorn is the healthiest food for your kids, it is not a junk food as many people consider it junk. It is healthy unless you are drowning it in unhealthy toppings. Try to air-pop your own popcorn at home and give it to your kids with little butter or cheese toppings. Yogurt: Yogurt is healthy and nutritional . And it is incredibly healthy for your kids as it contains calcium and protein that helps develop your kids' bones. There are yogurts available in the market which are high in sugar especially for kids, but listen to me, do not buy those yogurts, in fact, purchase full-fat yogurt and pour some honey or drizzle so...

Fruits For People With Blood Pressure.

Fruits For People With Blood Pressure . High blood pressure does not have noticeable symptoms. It has but you rarely notice it. It will increase your risk of serious problems such as strokes and heart attacks. You also need to avoid some fruits to avoid high blood pressure. And you need to eat some fruits to help prevent high blood pressure. Fruits That Will Help Level Blood Pressure. Banana : Bananas are extremely rich in potassium and very low in sodium. And for your blood pressure, it is a win-win combination. You can eat banana alone and you can also add to your cake, milk, or you can also make milkshakes and smoothies. Watermelon : It helps to lower your blood pressure as it contains amino acid. Watermelon is everyone’s favorite fruit in summer. It has vitamin A & potassium. And watermelons are friendly to your heart. You can make watermelon milkshakes, smoothies, or you can add it to salad, or you can even have them alone. Oranges : Oranges too help to lower y...

Foods that help you treat migraine

Foods that help you treat migraine Migraine is very exhausting. Additionally, many people are suffering from migraines over worldwide. Migraine is a very common disorder causes throbbing of the head on one side only and it can last up to 3 days or sometimes even more. There are foods that help you treat migraine. Migraine is not like a common headache, when a migraine strikes you, it fills with greater intensity than a normal headache and it aches on one side only. Some people feel nausea and vomiting during a migraine headache. In addition, some just have a headache but a severe one. It was not found that what exactly causes migraine, but it is said that changing the cells and nerve cells in the brain causes the migraine which pains like a hell. If you are suffering from migraine then you knew that it strikes so hard and it has symptoms like hypersensitivity to light, smell, & sound, nausea. The original cause of migraines is still unknown, but your diet, stress, and hormo...

Foods that are high in potassium

Foods that are high in potassium A body needs potassium as a mineral to work properly and potassium is an electrolyte for your body that provides you energy. It helps muscles to contract, nerves to function, and heartbeats to stay regular. Potassium also helps move waste products out of your cells and nutrients into your body cells. It also reduces the effects of sodium on blood pressure. There are some Foods that are high in potassium. The babies between 0-6 months should consume 400 milligrams of potassium per day. The babies between 7-12 months should consume 860 milligrams of potassium per day. The kids between 1-3 years old should consume 2,000 milligrams of potassium per day. The kids between 4-8 years old should consume 2,300 milligrams of potassium per day. The teenage boys between 9-13 years should consume 2,500 and the teenage girls should consume 2,300 milligrams of potassium per day. The teenage boys between 14-18 years old should consume 3,000 milligrams and th...

Health Benefits Of Banana and Apple

Apples and bananas taste too yummy and they are too good for your health. There are some Health Benefits Of Banana and Apple . Health Benefits of Banana: Banana is the energy booster. It is rich in vitamin B6, vitamin C, manganese, and dietary fiber. Banana is cholesterol-free, fat-free, and sodium-free. Bananas are everyone's favorite from children to elders and it is normally available anywhere. It is very good for your stomach. Prevents Heart Health: According to sources, high fiber foods are good for heart health. Fortunately, banana is rich in dietary fiber, which lowers the risk of (CHD) Coronary Heart Disease and (CVD) Cardiovascular Disease.   High in Fiber Content: Banana has both insoluble and soluble fiber in it. Fiber keeps you full for a longer time. So, it is good if you consume banana in your breakfast because a healthy breakfast in the morning is good for your health.   Banana Eases Your Digestion: Bananas are a great help for people who ...

Health Benefits of Cucumber

Health Benefits of Cucumber Cucumber is very nutritious and it tastes very good. It is very healthy for your body. Cucumber belongs to the gourd family and it originates in South Asia. It contains many nutrients such as: 0 grams of Total Fat 1 mg Sodium 2 grams of Protein 14% of Vitamin C 62% of Vitamin K 2g Carbohydrate 2 grams of Dietary Fiber 1% Calcium 1% Iron 10% of Magnesium 13% of Potassium 12% of Manganese 1 gram of Carbs. 95% of water Benefits of Cucumber: Manages Your Healthy Weight: It is very useful for people who want to lose weight. You can eat it with your daily meals, you can add it in your salad, and you can even mix it with yogurt . Lowers The Risk Of Heart Disease: It contains magnesium and potassium that help you improve your neurological function and your blood pressure level. It also has anti-inflammatory elements that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and boost your immunity level. Healthy for Your Skin: As you know tha...

Ill-Effects of pesticides on our health

Ill-Effects of pesticides on our health Pesticides are poisonous chemicals that cause harm to other plants and injury to other species like humans & animals. It is mainly used to reduce damage to plants, crops from weeds, germs, rodents & insects. However, pesticides should have to within the soil, but sometimes they move too much and they lost their target and then the pesticides linger in the waterways, atmosphere and in the ground and they without any purpose, target the non-targeted plants & species like animals and humans. Pesticides used on Food. It should not be used too much on vegetables & grains because after being consumed by humans, they can fall ill, pesticides can also cause respiratory tract irritation, cough or sore throat, skin & eye irritation, sensitization to allergic, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, loss of consciousness, headache and extreme weakness or even death. Pesticides are not only exhaust the nutritional value of our food but they...

Difference between Organic and Regular food?

What is the difference between Organic and regular food? The difference between Organic and regular food is that organic food is grown out of organic farming that is a specific type of agriculture production system used to produce food without using synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, genetically modified food (GMOs), drugs, irradiation, or sewage sludge. And the regular (non-organic) food is grown out of non-organic farming that is a type of agriculture production system used to produce food using synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, genetically modified food (GMOs), drugs, irradiation, or sewage sludge. These points will make you realize which food is much healthier, organic or non-organic?   Organic Food   Organic food is not nutritious than non-organic food but they do not damage our health as compared to non-organic food.   It is naturally grown food, it does not contain any chemicals or drugs or food additives in it.   Organ...

Why is it important to eat healthy food?

Eating healthy food is very much important to our bodies. A healthy diet includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and good fats. Minerals and water in your food should be necessary. This eating pattern will help you maintain your body’s everyday functions can assist in disease prevention and even promotes favorable body weight. While consuming healthy foods also means avoiding a high amount of sugar, and salt in food. Healthy foods promote some things which are as follows: All-embracing Health: It is very important to eat healthy in our day-to-day lives as it provides nutrition in healthy food and helps to improve our day-to-day activities. It consists of nutrition, carbohydrate, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants or proteins which help our bodies in many ways. Protein promotes a healthy immune system and rebuilds injured tissues of the body, minerals, and vitamins function throughout our bodies, while fats and carbohydrates fuel our bodies. Withou...