Which nutrients do you get from organic food?

Which nutrients do you get from organic food? Primesabjiandfruits

Eating healthy never goes out of style. You will always get nutrients from organic food because it is healthy than any food. There is one more reason why organic food has so many nutrients because they are grown in a soil where no pesticides, no chemicals, or no food additives are being used.
It has so many nutrients in it, you will know this today.

Organic Foods Have 4 Types Of Vitamins:

Vitamins are essential for your body. Your body needs it every time but in a limited amount.
Vitamin A:
It is important in many things in a body. It was recommended that women need 700 mcg, men need 900 mcg, and children and adults need 300-600 mcg vitamin A per day. Vitamin A protects eyes from night blindness, it helps lower the risk of cancers, it boosts the immune system, it prevents acne and bone problems. It can be found in Broccoli, Carrots, Spinach, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, & Pumpkin.
Vitamin B1:
It helps prevent the complication of the brain, heart, & stomach. Vitamin B1 also aids digestion. It can be found in Cauliflower, Oranges, & Potatoes.
Vitamin B2:
It gives energy to the body. And it good for overall health. Vitamin B2 improves skin and blood cells. It also helps prevent migraines. Vitamin B2 can be found in Bananas, Green beans, & Whole grains and also in Mushrooms.
Vitamin C:
It gives antioxidants properties to the body. It strengthens the blood vessels. And it can be found in Carrots, Kiwi, Papaya, Mango, & Strawberries.
Organic Foods Have 5 Mineral:


Potassium carries many health benefits. It maintains blood pressure and heart health, bone and muscles also. It can be found in bananas, carrots, and avocado.


Calcium is good for poor bone density and for weak teeth. It also prevents blood clotting. And it can be found in bananas, carrot, broccoli, and spinach.


Iron helps maintain skin, hair, and blood. It can be found in bananas, potatoes, peaches, spinach, and broccoli.


Folate helps prevent heart problems, cancer, and strokes. It gives relief from emotional and mental disorders. Folate can be found in spinach, avocado, and lettuce.


Magnesium helps in digestion, mental development, and helps calm anxiety. It can be found in pumpkin, carrots, and spinach.


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