Avocados are the internet's favorite fruit. They should be because they are loaded with nutrients, they are
healthy, and they are tasty too. You may hear avocado toast. It tastes very good.
They contain 15-20 vitamins and minerals including lutein (good for eyes), folate, and potassium (control blood pressure).
Avocados have vitamin B, vitamin C, and vitamin E, which help you fight certain diseases and protect against cancer.
They are high in fiber and contain low sugar.
Health Benefits of Avocados:
Avocados Are Good For Heart:
They are high in fats and have 77% of the calories in them but the fat, which they contain, is oleic acid i.e. a monounsaturated fatty acid, which is believed to be responsible for the healthy heart.
Avocados Are Good For Pregnancy:
Avocados contain folate and folate is very healthy for the woman who is pregnant because if your pregnancy is healthy, then a baby is going to be healthy too. Sufficient intake of avocados can reduce the risk of neural tube defects and miscarriage.
Avocados Can Lower The Depression:
Again, folate is handy for the problem of the depression because folate can prevent the build-up homocysteine. Homocysteine is a substance that impairs the delivery and circulation of nutrients to your brain.
Avocados Improve Digestion:
Fortunately, avocados are high in fiber and fiber always improves your digestive system and gives you proper digestion. It maintains your digestive tract, lowers the risk of colon cancer, and prevents from constipation.
Avocados Are Best For Vision:
Avocados contain zeaxanthin and lutein. They both are phytochemicals that concentrated in the tissues in the eyes, provide protection from ultraviolet rays, and minimize the damage of the eyes.
Avocados Prevent From Cancer:
Avocados reduce the side effect of chemotherapy, which is used in cancer. They are useful in cancer prevention and treatments. Nevertheless, there is no human-based research because those were test-tube based research. Human-based research is still unavailable.
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