Which foods are good for heart?

Which foods are good for heart? primesabjiandfruits

Eating foods is really essential for your body or else how would you survive? However, some foods are extremely important for your heart health because those foods will always help you prevent some heart disease, heart strokes, or other heart problems.
Foods are essential but you should eat only healthy food.

Foods for heart health:


Avocados have monounsaturated fats in them which reduce the risk of heart diseases, and lower the level cholesterol in your body. Potassium is essential for heart health and Avocados are rich in potassium.


It may lower the bad cholesterol as they contain soluble fiber and polyphenols which have an effect of antioxidants and they may help lower your blood pressure level. Apples also reduce the risk of strokes. That's why it was said, "Apple a day, keeps the doctor away".

Leafy Green Vegetables:

Green vegetables are healthy in every way and if they are leafy greens, then it's a cherry on a pie. They are good for heart health because they reduce bad cholesterol levels and lower heart disease. They are low in calories as well.


Tomatoes contain a chemical called lycopene which is the reason behind their red color but lycopene is also the powerful antioxidant and it will protect your heart from being damaged.

Red Wine:

You may hear it several times that red wine is very good for your heart. So, yes, it wasn't just a rumor, red wine is really good for the heart. As it also contains polyphenols that have an effect of antioxidants that may help you lower the risk of heart problems. Red wine helps you prevent cardiovascular disease, and reducing negative blood platelet.


Walnuts contain micronutrients like copper, manganese, and magnesium, and it is also a source of fiber. They help you maintain good cholesterol which is healthy and help decrease your blood pressure level. And we all know that these two have a major impact on our heart health and lead to heart disease. 


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