Health Benefits of Cucumber

benefits of cucumber primesabji

Health Benefits of Cucumber

Cucumber is very nutritious and it tastes very good.
It is very healthy for your body.
Cucumber belongs to the gourd family and it originates in South Asia.
It contains many nutrients such as:
  • 0 grams of Total Fat
  • 1 mg Sodium
  • 2 grams of Protein
  • 14% of Vitamin C
  • 62% of Vitamin K
  • 2g Carbohydrate
  • 2 grams of Dietary Fiber
  • 1% Calcium
  • 1% Iron
  • 10% of Magnesium
  • 13% of Potassium
  • 12% of Manganese
  • 1 gram of Carbs.
  • 95% of water

Benefits of Cucumber:

Manages Your Healthy Weight:

It is very useful for people who want to lose weight. You can eat it with your daily meals, you can add it in your salad, and you can even mix it with yogurt.

Lowers The Risk Of Heart Disease:

It contains magnesium and potassium that help you improve your neurological function and your blood pressure level. It also has anti-inflammatory elements that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and boost your immunity level.

Healthy for Your Skin:

As you know that cucumber contains 95% water and water always keeps your skin and body hydrated and gives your glowing and smooth skin. You can eat it daily or you can even apply a thick paste of cucumber on your face to get rid of acne, pimples, skin irritation, and other skin issues.

Manage Your Stress:

It has vitamin B, B1, B5, and B7 and it is proven that B vitamins ease your anxiety level and stress level and keep you calm.

Good For Your Hair:

You can either eat it daily or you can make cucumber paste and can apply it on your head and do massage and leave it for 5 mins. You will surely see the difference on your scalp and hair health.
These are some Health Benefits of Cucumber.


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