Health Benefits Of Banana and Apple

apple and banana primesabjiandfruits

Apples and bananas taste too yummy and they are too good for your health. There are some Health Benefits Of Banana and Apple.

Health Benefits of Banana:

Banana is the energy booster. It is rich in vitamin B6, vitamin C, manganese, and dietary fiber. Banana is cholesterol-free, fat-free, and sodium-free. Bananas are everyone's favorite from children to elders and it is normally available anywhere. It is very good for your stomach.
  • Prevents Heart Health:

  • According to sources, high fiber foods are good for heart health. Fortunately, banana is rich in dietary fiber, which lowers the risk of (CHD) Coronary Heart Disease and (CVD) Cardiovascular Disease.
  • High in Fiber Content:

  • Banana has both insoluble and soluble fiber in it. Fiber keeps you full for a longer time. So, it is good if you consume banana in your breakfast because a healthy breakfast in the morning is good for your health.
  • Banana Eases Your Digestion:

  • Bananas are a great help for people who have digestion problems. Banana has insoluble and soluble fibers both; therefore, the insoluble fiber in banana helps you digest your food and prevents you from constipation, heartburn, and stomach ulcers.
  • Packed with Nutrients:

  • Banana is packed with nutrients like minerals and vitamins such as magnesium, potassium, iron manganese, calcium, folate, niacin, B6, and riboflavin. And they all are extremely important for health.
  • Prevents Blood Pressure:

  • Banana has low salt content in it, which is why it is a good source of keeping you away from blood pressure.

Health Benefits of Apple:

Apples are extremely healthy for your body. The most interesting fact of apples is that you can eat apples with their skin because their skin is also healthy and full of nutrition. Apples have antioxidants, which help prevent diseases and they are full of fiber.
  • Decreases the risk of Diabetes:

  • It is said that, the people who eat one apple at least a day are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. As apples are packed with soluble fiber.
  • Helps Reduce The Risk Of Cholesterol:

  • Apples have soluble fiber in them and this is the reason why they reduce the risk of cholesterol and make you healthier.
  • Controls Your Weight:

  • Of course, food, which is rich in fiber, will give you low fats. Therefore, apples control your weight. Overweight often leads to high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, and diabetes.
  • Apple Boosts Your Immune System:

  • Apples have antioxidants called quercetin and it is believed that it boosts your immune system especially when you have stress or tension.
  • Fights Asthma:

  • Apples are rich in antioxidants and inflammatory compound and those compounds help people fight against asthma. Therefore, in short, apples protect you against asthma.
These are some Health Benefits Of Banana and Apple


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