Difference between Organic and Regular food?

What is the difference between Organic and regular food?

The difference between Organic and regular food is that organic food is grown out of organic farming that is a specific type of agriculture production system used to produce food without using synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, genetically modified food (GMOs), drugs, irradiation, or sewage sludge. And the regular (non-organic) food is grown out of non-organic farming that is a type of agriculture production system used to produce food using synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, genetically modified food (GMOs), drugs, irradiation, or sewage sludge.

These points will make you realize which food is much healthier, organic or non-organic?

  Organic Food

  Organic food is not nutritious than non-organic food but they do not damage our health as compared to non-organic food.
  It is naturally grown food, it does not contain any chemicals or drugs or food additives in it.
  Organic food is grown by a farmer who believes in organic farming and who does not take any help of poisonous pesticides to remove weeds, or to generate crops or vegetables or fruits before its time.
  It is healthy food. And it also healthy for farm animals and other critters of nature.
  Organic food is produced out by organic farming, so it does not only protect our health but it also protects our environment which sometimes leads to bad weather and it because of the major soil erosion which is caused by chemical fertilizer.

 Regular (Non-organic) Food

  Regular (non-organic) food is more nutritious food as compared to organic food but they do damage to our health.
It is not naturally grown food, it does contain chemicals or drugs or food additives.
  Non-organic food is grown by a farmer who takes the help of chemical pesticides to remove weeds, or to generate crops, vegetables or fruits before its time.
  Non-organic food is not healthy food. And it also not healthy for farm animals and other critters of nature.
It is produced out by non-organic farming which results to damage our bodies and also our environment which leads to bad weather because of soil erosion which is caused by chemical fertilizer.

How to know the difference between Organic and Non-organic foods?

I think that there is only one way, we can identify the difference between organic and non-organic foods. Here, are four methods that will help us to find the difference between these two. This is not the 100% foolproof method but yes, it is useful, so, we can find through these methods.
The looks of the food:
It is said that organic food does not look so attractive, but it is not quietly true because sometimes some organic food looks attractive than the non-organic food and that is too without being used of food additives. However, most of the time, organic food doesn’t look good and attractive because generally, it’s not in their nature. So, you can find out by the looks of the food whether it is organic food or non-organic food. 
The taste of the food:
Organic food is a hundred times tastes better than regular food. They might be bad in looks but they do taste great. You can find the difference of tastes in several fresh products like vegetables, fruits, and milk also. Organic foods are rich in taste.
Size of the food:
Most of the time organic foods have no larger size but non-organic foods do have because of the use of food additives. However, it is not 100% true, because, in organic food, the size depends on how much the soil is fertile. Forest soil is much more fertile than any other so if we grow foods in forest soil, it yields big foods like vegetables, mangoes or even crops.
Season of the food:
This is the sure way to find out the difference between organic and non-organic food because there are many fruits/vegetables which are seasonal in India or some other specific geographies. For instance, Mangoes are usually available in the summer season only, Cauliflowers are not usually grown in Rainy season, or Carrots are usually grown in the winter season. So, you can also find out by the seasonality of the foods.


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