What Happens When You Eat Too Much Sugar?

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Eating candies, ice-creams, baked goods, sweetened dairy, and drinking sugary drinks are everyone's favorite, especially favorites of children but they contain added sugar and it can cause you many illnesses or tooth decay.
In many ways, sugar can negatively impact on your health, no matter what, sugar is sugar and it can seriously mess with your health.
Sugar can become your addiction like a drug because a study found that people who are eating sugary foods like candy bar will always crave for more and the craving will never end soon.

See, what happens if you eat too much sugar? Here's a depressing analysis.

Too Much Sugar Can Cause Cavity:

You should always trust your mother on this one: chocolates, candy bar, and so on can rot your teeth, they all are an enemy to your dental health. Cavities caused by bacteria and that bacteria love to eat sugar which is left in your mouth after you eat sweets.

Too Much Sugar Affect Your Brain:

Sugar affects the brain too much as it is the only part of the body that is mostly used. Eating sugar drives you to lose your self-control, leads you to overeat, and causes overweight. You will crave for more sugar if you ate a little, you'll always feel that urge in you.

Too Much Sugar Affect Your Mood:

Eating too much sugar may increase your blood sugar levels too often. And when your cells absorb the sugars is dropping its level then it can cause anxiousness and jittery in you. Slowly slowly, it starts affecting your mood and causes depression.

Too Much Sugar Affect Your Skin:

You may eat sugar in your everyday life such as candy bar, baked foods, ice creams, etc, but you know that it is so harmful to your skin. It can age your skin as fast as it can. When in bloodstream sugar attaches to proteins, then it creates harmful molecules known as AGEs, the elastin damages your skin, and the results will be saggy and wrinkle skin.

Too Much Sugar Affect Your Heart:

Eating too much sugar can increase your blood sugar levels and an increase in blood sugar levels often leads to stroke, heart attack, or heart disease.

Too Much Sugar Can Increase Your Weight:

People who drink too many sugary drinks or sweetened beverages are tend to have overweight or obesity. And overweight leads to heart diseases also and type 2 diabetes in humans.

The Bottom Line:

The whole article is trying to tell you that you should decrease your sugar intake. As you start reading these 6 points, you will get to understand what happens when you eat too much sugar.
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