
Showing posts from August, 2019

Health Benefits of Okra (Lady Finger)

Health Benefits of  Okra (Lady Finger) Okra is often called Lady Finger and it is known as “Bhindi” in our India. It contains fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It has unique features like those that peach has fuzz on outside and okra also has small seeds inside. There are so many health benefits of okra. It is in green in color and its shape is like a finger that is why it is called as Ladyfinger also. It’s a famous cuisine in India and many people loved it. It can be cooked in various styles. Nutrition value of Okra: 1.93 grams of protein 0.19 grams of fat 7.45 grams of carbohydrate 33 calories 1.48 grams of sugar 3.2 grams of fiber 7 milligrams of sodium 31.3 milligrams of vitamin K 299 milligrams of potassium 0.2 milligrams of thiamin 23 milligrams of vitamin C 82 milligrams of calcium 57 milligrams of magnesium 60 micrograms of folate 0.215 milligrams of vitamin B6 36 micrograms of vitamin A Here are some health benefits of Okra: Okra helps you in...

Health benefits of Green Apple

Health benefits of Green Apple Green apples are also healthy as much as the red apples are healthy. However, you do not hear about green apples quite often. They are sweet and sour to taste and they have many beauty benefits to offer you as well. Well, well, let us concentrate on the health benefits of green apple. They are loaded with potassium, iron, antioxidants, flavonoids, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and K. Therefore, the proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is so good to be true. Here are a few wondrous health benefits of Green Apple: Green Apple increases your metabolism: Green apple contains fiber content that helps in increasing metabolism in your body. In fact, it’s peel is also healthy, consuming green apple with its peel can improve your overall health function.   Green Apple improves your lung health: Green apple is rich in flavonoids, which can cut down the risk of asthma in your body. It can also cut down the risk of lung cancer by 21% e...

Health benefits of Radish

Health benefits of Radish Radish, we Indians call it Mooli. Radish is very famous in India as it is used in making  ‘mooli paratha’  and to add flavors in curries. It grows underground, and it is like a white tuber, which is loaded with minerals, nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins. Therefore, there are many health benefits of Radish. Here Are 6 Amazing Health Benefits Of  Radish : Radish is high in fiber: Eat it as a part of your daily intake that too without going overboard as radish has ample amount of fiber in it. Fiber helps you improve your digestion; it regulates your bile production and safeguards your gallbladder and liver.       Radish guards your heart: Radish contains anthocyanins, which keep your heart functioning properly, and it also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Also, radishes are high in folic acid, vitamin C, and flavonoids.        Radish controls your blood pressure: Radish contains potassi...

Health benefits of Peach

Health benefits of Peach Peaches are a characteristically fluffy fruit indigenous to northwest China. They are a part of the stone fruit family, having one big center seed, as do Cherries, Apricots, Plums, and Nectarines. Peach’s internal flesh can range in color from white to yellow or orange. However, there are many health benefits of Peach. I will tell you some of them. Here are some of the health benefits of Peach: Peach gives you healthy bones and teeth: Peach has phosphorus that helps strengthen your bones and teeth. Even though it also prevents some bone diseases like decalcification that leads to osteoporosis. Peach not only contains phosphorus but also vitamin C and calcium. Besides, vitamin C and calcium help you strengthen your jawbones and gums that can keep your teeth healthy.   Peach gives you anti-aging properties: Peach is a great source of zinc that has properties of anti-aging. Additionally, zinc helps with the aging process of male reproductive organs,...

Health benefits of Sweet Potato

Health benefits of Sweet Potato Sweet potato’s scientific name is  Ipomoea batatas .  The color of the tuber differs from purple to red to pale yellow and to white, depending upon the variety, and the type of soil, the climate it grows in, and the  available minerals.   There are many health benefits of sweet potato and it includes the prevention of asthma, control diabetes, helps in weight gain, boosts your immunity, and so on. Here are some health benefits of sweet potato: Sweet potato is a powerhouse of antioxidants:  Sweet potatoes have a vitamin A and vitamin C and they both function as an antioxidant in your body. They protect your cells against disease and aging. If you want to consume more antioxidant then eat purple sweet potatoes. Sweet potato prevents asthma:  Scientifically, sweet potatoes are rich in antioxidants as I mentioned above that they are a powerhouse of antioxidants. Therefore, these properties in them make t...

5 amazing health benefits of Pumpkin

5 amazing health benefits of  Pumpkin Almost every people think of pumpkins as a Halloween decoration, which is known as Jack-o’-lantern. Pumpkin soups are also delicious and healthy. Although pumpkins are not vegetables, they are fruits. Well, I am going to tell you 5 amazing health benefits of pumpkin.   You know, pumpkin grows on every Continent but except Antarctica, each pumpkin has 500 seeds inside them, in fact, they are 90% water. There are 45 varieties of pumpkins even more than 45, you can eat every part of the pumpkin, and you can bake, roast, and steam the pumpkin. Here are five amazing health benefits of Pumpkin: Pumpkin helps in weight loss: As pumpkin is a fiber-rich fruit, so, it slows your digestion. It can fill you fully, but it is also a low-calorie fruit. Moreover, it keeps you hydrated as it contains 90% water. Even  a pumpkin soup with light cheese is only 70 to 80 calories for a one-cup serving. It is very rich in  fiber as...

Health benefits of mint

Health benefits of  mint Mint is called Pudina in India. It is used in many dishes and the most favorite of people in India is  ‘Pudina Chutney’ . It is a very popular herb, which people used dried and fresh in many dishes. Mint has the highest quantity of antioxidant properties. Yet there are so many health benefits of mint. Here are some amazing health benefits of  Mint :   Mint prevents allergies: Mint leaves have anti-inflammatory and antioxidants properties called rosmarinic acid. Several studies have found that this prevents people from allergies and it also reveals that it gives you natural treatment for your allergy. Mint treats asthma: If your relatives, your parents, or your friends, whoever is having asthma problem then they can consume mint every day to relieve asthma. Mint aids breast-feeding: It is found that peppermint water and mint oil both can prevent nipple pain and cracks in first-time mothers who are breastfeed...

Health Benefits of Turnip

Health Benefits of Turnip Turnip is the healthiest vegetable since the past era. Man and animals consume it since ancient times. In India, Turnip is called as  Shalgam  in the Hindi language. Turnip is round in shape, it has a distinct flavor, and it has sometimes-purple color top and white globe, purple top Milan, purple top strap leaf, orange jelly, goose egg, and seven top turnips. Moreover, the turnip has name health benefits that include prevents cancer, supports digestion, heart health, prevents asthma problems, and many more. Here are six health benefits of Turnip: Turnip Prevents Cancer: It is the healthiest, it is packed with phytochemicals, and antioxidants that can help you lower the risk of developing cancer. Turnip has plant chemicals ‘glucosinolates’ that transform into compounds that have the ability to aid your liver with toxins. If you will start eating turnips every day then it can lower the risk of cancers like breast cancer, colon cancer, and...

Health Benefits of Mustard Leaves

Health Benefits of Mustard Leaves Mustard leaves are very beneficial for health. They detoxify your body, they have antioxidant properties, they manage cholesterol levels, and many more. They have many nutrients and minerals. Therefore, there are many amazing health benefits of mustard leaves. Here are some amazing health benefits of mustard leaves: Mustard leaves detoxify your body: The food we eat and the environmental effects can be toxic to our body. Therefore, it is very necessary to cleanse your body from within to keep your liver and digestion system healthy. You know what? Mustard leaves are natural detoxifying agents. They contain antioxidants, which target the toxins in the body. Those antioxidants eliminate these toxins and get rid of them through defecation.   Mustard leaves manage cholesterol level: As you know that high cholesterol in your body can cause you with heart disease and diabetes, and damage your vital organs in your body. There are two type...

Health Benefits of Lettuce Leaf

Health Benefits of  Lettuce Leaf Lettuce word originally derived from Roman word “lactuca sativa”, but the fun fact is that it was not originated in Rome, but in Egypt. Lettuce is a leafy vegetable. And you know what? There are several types of lettuce leaves such as Crisphead, Romaine, Butterhead, and Iceberg. This vegetable can be eaten raw as a salad, or you can either used as a food wrap. There are so many health benefits of lettuce leaf includes fighting inflammation, inducing sleep, keeps you hydrated, and many more.  Benefits of Lettuce Leaf: Lettuce has anti-inflammatory properties: Inflammation in your body can cause many problems such as lower back pain, dental issues, migraines and many more. You can prevent all of these issues in your life with lettuce as a part of your daily diet. It contains biochemical catalysts, carrageen am, lipoxygenase that can control inflammation.  Lettuce keeps you hydrated: If you will eat a bowl of lett...

Health Benefits of Mushroom

Health Benefits of Mushroom Benefits of mushroom to your health include weight loss, relief from diabetes and high cholesterol levels. They also contain a high amount of fiber, vitamin C, selenium, and vitamin D.  We all know about the miraculously beneficial mushroom. You must have seen mushrooms making someone or anyone bigger and act as a shield against the perilous monster. Mushrooms can protect you against many infections and disease.  What is a Mushroom? Mushrooms are edible and it’s family name is “ Agaricus ”. It is essentially Saprophytes, the organisms (plants without chlorophyll) which prosper by extracting nutrients from dead and decaying plant and animal matter. It varies greatly in their color, texture, shape, and properties. Here are some benefits of Mushrooms: Mushroom lowers the cholesterol: It gives you with lean proteins. Mushroom has no fats and cholesterol and it has very low carbohydrates. It balances the bad cholesterol and good ch...

Health Benefits of Papaya

Health Benefits of  Papaya Papayas are a soft, fleshy fruit, which can be used in a wide variety of culinary ways. Papaya is originally found in Mexico. However, it grows naturally in the Florida and Caribbean too.  Papaya has lots of health benefits including reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, aids digestion, and so on.  Benefits Of Papaya:   Papaya Lowers Cholesterol: Papaya has lots of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin C. It all can prevent the build-up of cholesterol in arteries. And it directly leads to several heart disease that includes hypertension and heart attack.        Papaya Boosts Immunity: Immunity system is your shield to protect you against infections that can make you sick. Single papaya has more than 200% of your daily requirement of vitamin C.       Papaya Is Good For Diabetes: It tastes sweet but it has low sugar content and therefore, it is said to be the best fruit for the diabetes pati...

Foods that contain high iron content

Foods that contain high iron content Iron is a very essential nutrient for your body to function properly.  Your diet lacking in iron will be the result in low energy levels, shortness of breath, headaches, irritability, dizziness or it can be anemia. Therefore, you need to eat foods that contain high iron content. You can find iron in two forms in your food and that is heme and non-heme. You can find heme iron in animal products, while non-heme irons in plant-based foods. The recommended daily intake (RDI) is based on the regular ingestion of 18 mg per day. For instance, post-menopausal women and men usually require approximately 8 mg of iron per day. This amount can increase to 18 mg per day for menstruating women and 27 mg per day for pregnant women. Here Are Some Foods That Contain High Iron Content: Lentils: Lentils are always high in healthiness. However, they also contain a high amount of iron in it and they also contain fiber and protein. Each cup of lent...

Foods that are good for Constipation

Foods that are good for Constipation No one likes to think about  constipation , but almost everyone has it at one time in his or her life. More than 22% of people in India have it often.  Therefore, if you are dealing with a tummy dilemma, you are not alone. Nearly all of the time it does not last long and simple changes can help your  digestive system  run effortlessly again.  Constipation is a common illness in everyone that results from the lifestyle and diet. There are some foods that can ease your constipation. People who are suffering from constipation may have: Stools that look like small marbles or stones Hard, dry, and lumpy stools Discomfort and pain during bowel movements A slightly swollen belly Here are some foods that can ease your constipation: Water: You should always drink plenty of water every day because dehydration is a common cause of constipation. While drinking water may ease and relieve the symptoms.  A person’s...

Sweet Poison: Why Sugar is Ruining Your Health

Sweet Poison: Why Sugar is Ruining Your Health Sugar provides too many calories that can lead to many problems, including weight gain. Very few people can go for a day without consuming sugar. Not all sugar is bad. For example, when we consume sugar from milk products “lactose”, it is healthy. Moreover, sugar from fruits products “fructose” is also healthy for your health. Sugar is only healthy to your health when it is consumable in a natural form and in some reasonable amounts.  Sadly, the sugar we consume daily is slowly killing us because it is unhealthy. Sugar is ruining your health. Why sugar is ruining your health? Sugar can cause weight gain: When you eat excessive unhealthy food and sugary soft drink consumption has been linked to weight gain. It naturally gives you an unnecessary source of calories with no nutritional value. As sugar adds calories and converts into fat that leads to weight gain. Sugar can cause diabetes: It is the most common risk t...