Sweet Poison: Why Sugar is Ruining Your Health
Sweet Poison: Why Sugar is Ruining Your Health
Sugar provides too many calories that can lead to many problems, including weight gain.Very few people can go for a day without consuming sugar. Not all sugar is bad. For example, when we consume sugar from milk products “lactose”, it is healthy. Moreover, sugar from fruits products “fructose” is also healthy for your health. Sugar is only healthy to your health when it is consumable in a natural form and in some reasonable amounts. Sadly, the sugar we consume daily is slowly killing us because it is unhealthy. Sugar is ruining your health.
Why sugar is ruining your health?
Sugar can cause weight gain:When you eat excessive unhealthy food and sugary soft drink consumption has been linked to weight gain. It naturally gives you an unnecessary source of calories with no nutritional value. As sugar adds calories and converts into fat that leads to weight gain.
Sugar can cause diabetes:It is the most common risk that connects to the overconsumption of sugar. Eating too much sugar can ultimately lead to diabetes. In fact, it is one of the most well-known side effects of eating too much sugar and one of the most serious ones. Left abandoned, diabetes can take a toll on your nerves, eyes, teeth, heart, and kidneys. In addition to this, it puts you at risk for rising lots of other diseases too.
Sugar ages your skin:Sugar has advanced glycation end products, properly known as AGEs. This product can cause your skin to become wrinkled fast and dull. It is formed through the process called glycation when your fats and protein are exposed to the sugar in your bloodstream. Therefore, this can cause damage to both elastin and collagen.
Sugar rots your teeth:We know this thing from our childhood that eating too much sugar can cause damage to our teeth. However, we never stopped eating it and do you know sugar is the only actual reason for tooth decay.
Tips to avoid sugar intake:
- You should eat whole and unprocessed foods.
- Swap your sugar drinks to herbal teas, water, or any other unsweetened options.
- Eat fruits natural sugars and avoid food with artificial sugars.
I know that sugar is addictive and it is not easy to quit it but you can also seek help from the person who has been through this before and managed to control its sugar addictiveness.
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