5 amazing health benefits of Pumpkin

5 amazing health benefits of Pumpkin

Almost every people think of pumpkins as a Halloween decoration, which is known as Jack-o’-lantern. Pumpkin soups are also delicious and healthy. Although pumpkins are not vegetables, they are fruits. Well, I am going to tell you 5 amazing health benefits of pumpkin.  
You know, pumpkin grows on every Continent but except Antarctica, each pumpkin has 500 seeds inside them, in fact, they are 90% water. There are 45 varieties of pumpkins even more than 45, you can eat every part of the pumpkin, and you can bake, roast, and steam the pumpkin.

Here are five amazing health benefits of Pumpkin:

Pumpkin helps in weight loss:

As pumpkin is a fiber-rich fruit, so, it slows your digestion. It can fill you fully, but it is also a low-calorie fruit. Moreover, it keeps you hydrated as it contains 90% water. Even a pumpkin soup with light cheese is only 70 to 80 calories for a one-cup serving. It is very rich in fiber as well.

Pumpkin gives better immunity:

Pumpkin has vitamin A, which helps your body combat against viruses, infections, and infectious disease. As well as pumpkin contains 20% of vitamin C that helps you recover from your cold even faster. An oil of pumpkin can help you fight various fungal and bacterial infections.

 Pumpkin gives you sharp vision:

Pumpkin has an ample amount of beta-carotene, which converts into vitamin A in your body after consumption. You know what? Vitamin A is essential for eye health as it helps the retina process and absorbs the light. Eat every day a single cup of pumpkin because it contains 200% of vitamin A. It also has two antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin, which prevent cataracts and slow the growth of macular degeneration.

Pumpkin lowers the risk of cancer:

Pumpkin contains beta-carotene and it is good for eyes and skin too. However, it is also good for fighting cancer. When people who eat pumpkin more often than people who don’t eat, they may have a lower risk of developing cancer such as prostate and lung cancer in the human body. Pumpkin has vitamin A and vitamin C, and they both act as a shield for your body cells against cancer.

 Pumpkin helps you treat diabetes:

Pumpkin reduces the level of blood glucose, increases the insulin that your body produces, and improves your body glucose tolerance. Therefore, if you have diabetes then you can eat pumpkin, as it will not hurt


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