Foods that contain high iron content
Foods that contain high iron content
Iron is a very essential nutrient for your body to function properly. Your diet lacking in iron will be the result in low energy levels, shortness of breath, headaches, irritability, dizziness or it can be anemia. Therefore, you need to eat foods that contain high iron content.
You can find iron in two forms in your food and that is heme and non-heme. You can find heme iron in animal products, while non-heme irons in plant-based foods.
The recommended daily intake (RDI) is based on the regular ingestion of 18 mg per day.
For instance, post-menopausal women and men usually require approximately 8 mg of iron per day. This amount can increase to 18 mg per day for menstruating women and 27 mg per day for pregnant women.
Here Are Some Foods That Contain High Iron Content:
Lentils are always high in healthiness. However, they also contain a high amount of iron in it and they also contain fiber and protein. Each cup of lentils, which is cooked contain 6.59 milligrams of iron in them and they also contain 17.86 grams of proteins in them.
Dark Chocolate:
Dark chocolate is counted as a dessert but every 3 ounces of dark chocolate contains 7 milligrams of iron in it. Cocoa is one of the best sources of flavonoids antioxidants that may offer heart benefits, protect your nerves, boost your immunity, and improve your cognitive function and mood.
Potatoes contain a large amount of iron and that too mainly in their skins. You know a medium-sized potato contains 2 milligrams of iron in it. They also contain potassium, fiber, carbohydrates, and vitamin C.
One cooked cup of spinach contains 6.43 milligrams of iron. It is too low in calories and it is too high in antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
The Bottom Line
Therefore, the bottom line is that you should eat everything that is healthy but you should know the amount of eating those veggies and fruits. Because too high can cause problems and too low can also cause problems.
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