
Showing posts from July, 2019

Health benefits of Sweet Lime

Health benefits of Sweet Lime Sweet lime or Mosambi, you can say both. Sweet lime is an English word and Mosambi is a Hindi word. Sweet lime tastes sour and juicy and it is a summer fruit, which is responsible to refresh you within no time. You can have all that pulpy fruit or you can even make its juice full of glass and sip it slowly while feeling its taste. This fruit has many minerals and vitamins, which are so beneficial for your health. You can consume Sweet lime in various ways such as juice, candies, jams, pickles, and snacks. There are many benefits of Sweet Lime. Benefits of Sweet Lime: Prevent Dehydration:  Sweet lime helps you prevent dehydration. A normal highly carbonated drink, which has lots of artificial sugar, will never hydrate you, but it can cause you acidity problems. It has minerals and vitamins that will satiate your thirst and prevent dehydration.   Promotes Your Digestion:  Sweet lime has an abundance of flavonoids that stimulates ...

What are sweet limes nutrition facts?

What are sweet limes nutrition facts? Sweet limes are called Mosambi in India and it is a citrus fruit. They taste exactly like its name; it is sweet yet sour like a lime also. Sweet limes originated in the hills of Nagaland and Meghalaya and it is then found in Indonesia and China. Now, they are most likely native to India and people from Central America and the West Indies enjoy the fruit's popularity. They are very nutritious and they have many health benefits too. Sweet lime has less acid as compared to ordinary limes. It has a thick rind and has too many seeds, which leads to difficulty in eating sweet lime. Nutrition Information of Sweet Lime: First, I want to let you know that RDA stands for Recommended Daily Allowance. Sweet lime contains 45 Calories. Sweet lime contains 0.84 grams of Protein. It contains 9.85 grams of Carbs. Sweet lime also contains Fats that are 0.31 grams. Sweet lime contains 53 mg of Vitamin C i.e., 132.5% of RDA like about 40 mg. It...

How To Be Smart About Holiday Eating?

People tend to get excited when they hear that holiday is coming because they will do party, they will eat junk foods, and whatnot? And they often forget to keep them healthy and regret it later and start feeling guilty. But you should never feel guilty after enjoying the core of the party. Rather than doing limits-binge-rue-repeat, I suggest you that try to be healthy in your holidays too and how to be smart about holiday eating I will tell you. Here, How To Be Smart About Holiday Eating: You Should Seek Pleasure: You should not be stressful while you are enjoying your holiday. If you are going to a party and you see your favorite food is on the menu then seek the pleasure of eating it. Don’t be too judgemental about yourself and eat with pleasure that will satisfy you. And if you are seeing delicious dishes and you think that you must try it, so take a small portion of those dishes and if you feel that you should take another round then take another small portion of the...

Ways to increase fruits and vegetable intake

What are the ways to increase fruits and vegetable intake? Eat a rainbow. Oh my god! No, not a real rainbow, I mean eat colorful veggies and fruits. Yes, they are colorful and healthy too. The more you eat fruits and vegetable, the more you feel healthy and feel risk-free of dangerous diseases. Okay, you can do one thing, do not eat every day but you can eat veggies twice or thrice a week. Hey, but what about fruits? I am sorry, you need to eat fruits every day at least one fruit a day. I will tell you which fruits and veggies you need to intake every day, here: Fruits: Apples Avocados Berries Bananas Cherries Fig Chikoo (Sapodilla) Grapes Kiwifruit Oranges Peach Papaya Pear Pineapple Mangoes Pomegranate Watermelon Muskmelon Vegetables: Spinach Broccoli Carrots Beetroots Cauliflower Cabbage Fenugreek Green peas Green Bean Sweet potatoes Tomatoes Onion Bell peppers Okra (Lady Fingers) Potatoes Corns Lettuce Cucumbers Eggplant (Bri...

Worst And Best Foods For Asthma

Worst And Best Foods For Asthma Asthma is a perilous disease. It is not curable. This disease can cause narrowing & inflammation inside of your lungs and restricting air supply. You can have periodic episodes or attacks of asthma and it causes breathlessness, wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest. 2 crore people suffer from Asthma disease in India. Many people often miss their work because of asthma problem and many children miss their schools because of this illness.  The proper cure for this illness is still not available. In addition to this, there are clues for the proper diet for asthma also but doctors suggest some foods that are best for asthma patients and foods that can prevent one from the risk of asthma and foods that trigger asthma. Best Foods For Asthma: Carrots: Carrots contain beta-carotene that converts into vitamin A and it works as antioxidants in the body. Therefore, carrots are proven beneficial for people with asthma as they prevent peo...

What should be your motivation to be healthy?

Eating healthy food daily should be your motivation to be healthy but you should be motivated enough to eat healthy food. Some people swear to never eat junkies and some people never eat healthy food but both can affect you in different ways. So, my whole point was, you should balance your diet in a proper way. Here are 5 motivational tips to be healthy: Always Feel Good About Yourself: No matter if your size is too big or too small, always surround yourself with the people who make you feel good about yourself. Sometimes your close friends encourage you too picking up bad habits such as smoking too often, daily drinking, and overeating, so, first, try to change them but if they don't want to change, then leave them, and find some other friends who will not encourage you to do all this and also want you to be a healthier always. Exercise regularly and yes don't forget to eat well every day. Always Think Of Your Role Model: Fitness is first because if you are bein...

Health benefits of Eggs

Health benefits of Eggs Eggs are too healthy for anyone. You may be thinking that eating eggs too much is not good for health because it contains lots of fats and cholesterol, but let me tell you that eggs contain good cholesterol and good fats, which help your body development. Too much egg is not good for the people who are feeble to cholesterol, they might get problems and people who have a cardiovascular problem or heart disease they also might get hurt. There are many health benefits of eggs. For thousands of years, humans are eating eggs. There are many female animals who give us eggs and people eat types of eggs too, but the most famous among everyone is the egg of the chicken. Eggs are very nutritious also. They contain many nutrients in order to protect your health. Eggs have nutrients such as: Vitamin A Choline Vitamin B2 Biotin Folic Acid Vitamin B5 Iodine Iron Phosphorous Vitamin B12 Protein Selenium Lutein and Zeaxanthin Vitamin D Vitamin E Fats ...

Health Benefits of Spinach And Broccoli

Health Benefits of Spinach And Broccoli. Spinach and Broccoli are very healthy vegetables. Green vegetables are extremely healthy. Spinach is packed with nutrients and it contains low-calories. It has protein, vitamins, minerals, and iron. Broccoli is also loaded with nutrients such as minerals, proteins, iron, fats, potassium, fiber, and phosphorous. There are some Health Benefits of Spinach And Broccoli. Benefits of Spinach : Manages Your Diabetes: Spinach has antioxidants name alpha-lipoic acid that helps lower your glucose level in the body, prevents from stress, and increases insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients. Prevents Asthma: Spinach contains beta-carotene, which prevents you from asthma. The people who have a high intake of beta-carotene are less likely to have an asthma problem. Lowers Blood Pressure: If you are having a blood pressure problem then you must eat spinach at least twice a week. As spinach is high in potassium and potassium helps you reduce...

Health Benefits Of Pomegranate

Health Benefits Of Pomegranate Pomegranate is important for your health. It has ruby red seeds, which tastes delicious. You can eat it plain or even can make a juice of it. Moreover, you can even use it as toppings on cakes, pies, pancakes, etc. Pomegranate was born first in Egypt, thousands of years back and back then pomegranate was thought to be a royal fruit. There are benefits of Pomegranate. Amazing Benefits of Pomegranate : Prevents Cancer:  Pomegranate is full of antioxidants, which has anti-tumor properties in the pomegranate seeds. It has omega-5 and polyunsaturated fatty acid. It inhibits the chances of growth of prostate cancer cells in men.   Improves Digestive System:  Pomegranate is rich in fiber and therefore, it helps to improve your digestive system for your better digestion of food. These rubies like seeds reduce the chances of development of stomach ulcers too.   Protect From Heart Disease:  As I said in the above statement ...